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October 6, 2023

[Announcement] Presenting GMS research findings at “The 64th Battery Symposium in Japan”

[Announcement] Presenting GMS research findings at “The 64th Battery Symposium in Japan”[Announcement] Presenting GMS research findings at “The 64th Battery Symposium in Japan”

3DC is pleased to announce that we will present three research results related to our new carbon material, Graphene MesoSponge® (GMS), at “The 64th Battery Symposium in Japan”. The event will be held from Tuesday, November 28 to Thursday, November 30, 2023 at Osaka International Convention Center.

If you are interested in the research results of GMS, please come and listen to our presentation.

<Presentation 1>
Date & Time: November 30, 11:40 – 12:00
Session: Capacitor
[3H09] Development of plate-shaped Graphene Mesosponge with reduced diffusion resistance and its application as electrode material

<Presentation 2>
Date & Time: November 29, 16:00 – 16:20
Session: Air battery
[2G19] Development of sheet-shaped Graphene Mesosponge for Li-O2 battery cathodes

<Presentation 3>
Date & Time: November 29, 16:20 – 16:40
Session: Air battery
[2G20] Analysis of the effect of pore structure in Li-air Battery cathodes using monolithic carbon gel on charge-discharge Behavior

What is “The 64th Battery Symposium in Japan”?
This symposium is a very informative conference covering from materials chemistry to device application and social implementation of primary batteries, secondary batteries, fuel cells, capacitors, and other technologies. Moreover, it is recognized as a cutting-edge conference where the latest technologies in Japan can be touched.

Dates: November 28 – November 30, 2023
Place: Osaka International Convention Center
Admission: Members: 14,000 yen, General public: 20,000 yen (Click here to register)
Web Site:

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