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July 11, 2023

[Announcement] 3DC has been Selected for Fiscal Year 2023 “Growth-Oriented Small and Medium Enterprises Research and Development Support Program”

[Announcement] 3DC has been Selected for Fiscal Year 2023 “Growth-Oriented Small and Medium Enterprises Research and Development Support Program”[Announcement] 3DC has been Selected for Fiscal Year 2023 “Growth-Oriented Small and Medium Enterprises Research and Development Support Program”

3DC has been selected for the Fiscal Year 2023 “Growth-Oriented Small and Medium Enterprises Research and Development Support Program”, and will receive a total of approximately 300 million yen over three fiscal years.

This program supports research and development, prototype development, and sales channel development conducted by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in collaboration with universities and other organizations, with the aim of promoting core manufacturing technologies and services such as precision machining, surface treatment, stereolithography by SMEs.

The name of the R&D plan selected this time is “Research and Development of Next-Generation Nanocarbon Materials to Dramatically Increase the Energy Density of Electric Double-Layer Capacitors”.

The next-generation carbon material “Graphene Mesosponge (GMS)”, which 3DC is advancing toward mass production, is being considered for mass adoption for electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC) applications. However, it is necessary to increase the density of GMS for EDLC applications. In this research, we will develop high-density GMS and its mass-production equipment with the aim of commercializing GMS.

Please refer here for details.

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